The Hedonists and the Hypocrites

By: Gigi

It was with a great deal of amusement and a little dismay that I realized how muddled things had gotten in the way people interpreted On Sheep, Cows, Flocks and Herds. What started as a (what I thought) simple metaphor of sheep and cows became a virtual menagerie of wolves, goats, shepherds, calves, elephants, and even mexican fish! That is why I felt that it was important for me to rehash my thoughts and write this follow-up entry...
First of all, some clarification on metaphors and terms used in my previous post:

Metaphorical Sheep= religious people.
Metaphorical Cows*= unreligious people.

I then went on to point out that there are among both the Sheep and the Cows those who follow their path based on an intelligent decision, and those who follow it mindlessly. I should point out here that by mindless I mean without a sense of social responsibility. I then called those who follow their chosen path mindlessly the "true" sheep and cows (i.e. not merely metaphorical :P).

This is where I later realized that I was making things confusing and that I suck at metaphors. That is why I am introducing two new, more user-friendly terms: The Hedonists and the Hypocrites.

Before I get into delineating what I mean when I speak of the Hedonists and the Hypocrites I would like to interrupt this broadcast momentarily for a Shocking! News! Update!:

News Flash!!! Calling all Ultra-Liberals:

You think you’re so intelligent and discerning but intelligent and discerning people choose to abide by religion too, where after careful thought and analysis of the alternatives in the end they believe that its purpose is good, and its solutions logical and effective, and not just because they were born into it! In fact, some of them might be more intelligent and discerning than you are!

News Flash!!! Calling all Ultra-Conservatives:

You think you’re so good and principled but there are good and principled people who do not abide by religion too, and although they find that religion does not provide them with the answers and explanations they seek they DO have another set of value systems and morals that they abide by! In fact, some of them might be better and more principled than you!

Ahem. With that out of the way let us resume our regular programming :P

What is a Hedonist?

A hedonist is a person who’s only aim in life is to satisfy his or her whims, and who thinks that the only worthy pursuit is the pursuit of pleasure untempered by any semblance of a moral or religious system. Unprincipled and unbridled, a hedonist can go to great extremes of drug usage, promiscuity, adultery, alcoholism... to the point of addiction. If left unchecked, they can spread corruption by making such actions seem natural, unalarming and nothing to be ashamed of.

What is a Hypocrite?

A hypocrite is a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. Although on the surface they do not seem to spread corruption, the fact is that they often put on a virtuous façade for nefarious aims or with serious consequences. A pertinent example would be a person who utilizes hypocrisy in order to gain political power. Such a person relies on a “holier than thou” strategy in order to intimidate people into believing that he/she is a virtuous and upright citizen. Once in power this person resorts to enforcing rigid legislation as “proof” of their feigned righteousness, and in order to stay in power. Meanwhile, they neither practice what they preach and many people are left suffocating. Other facets to consider: terrorism.
**NOTICE: The important thing to remember is that just because a person is a religious doesn't automatically make them a Hypocrite and just because a person is unreligious doesn't make them a Hedonist.**

Now, at the end of my previous post, I asked “which one is more dangerous to society?” In light of the clarifications in this post I would like to repose the question and ask:
1)What dangers to society does a Hedonist pose?
2)What dangers does a Hypocrite pose?
And finally,
3) Of the two, which do you think causes the most harm and is less socially responsible?
(Due to the fact that this post has become longer than I had planned I will post my own response to these questions later :> )

*“Why Cows?” you ask? Well, I needed another herd animal in order to point out that both religious as well as unreligious people are part of a larger group of people who think the same, and since both are part of either a flock or a herd of like-minded individuals then neither can really claim to be "original thinkers".

Moreover, I thought that assigning the metaphor of "cows" to unreligious people gleefully adds another level of impossibility to the Arabic phrase “In 7ajjat il-bugar 3ala groonha!” :D

P.S. Also a warm thanks to everyone who posted/commented/emailed/or messaged wondering what was up and urging me to post. I really was dragging my heels when it came to posting this entry! I think I won't be writing any more "serious" posts anymore! :P
P.P.S. A word of gratitude goes to tata for taking the time to read this just before I posted and for pointing out some flaws and stuff that I was trying to ignore and hoping no-one else would notice ;P hehehe thanks taters!

That was written on Friday, March 11, 2005.